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Главная/Articles/Applying of Nerestin

Applying of Nerestin

Materials of this site with last changes, additions and new materials are made out in 5 articles which are published in April, 2005 in the collected articles of an anniversary international scientific-practical conference "VNIIRs". (" Aquiculture and integrated technologies: problems and opportunities", vol. 2, Moscow, 2005). Here these materials are given for express-acquaintance of the experts-fish-breeders. To reserve collections of a conference "VNIIRs" it is possible on e-mail: LfB@flexuser.ru.
Any citing or other scientific-practical use of materials of these articles permissibles only with the reference to the authors, on articles in the specified collected articles or on the given site: www.nerestin.ru

Application of preparation Nerestin-1(1A, 1B) for stimulation of ovulation and spermiation at plant-feeding fishes.


The softly acting preparation Nerestin-1 stimulates a maturing and secretion of sexual products of physiologically preformed males and females plant-feeding fishes: bighead carp (Aristichtys nobilis), silver carp (Hypophtalmichtis molitrix), grass carp (Ctenopharygodon idella). The preparation has series of delicate additional effects: antistressful, abirritating, stimulating the healing of wounds and ulcers, can be prolonged with life time of the sires. It's basic activity: a physiological stimulation of synthesis and secretion of natural gonadotropines of fishes. Composition and technology of application of a preparate are perfected with the purpose of augmentation of activity and specificity, reliability and convenience of application, fastness at transportation and storage.

Nerestin-1, Nerestin-1A and Nerestin-1B in а view ready to application are supplied in vials of 20 ml capacity. At introduction of Nerestin-1 it is necessary to keep doses (in ml / kg) twice more, than at injections of Nerestin-1A. For this fishes at the first injection it is possible to apply a preparation Nerestin-1, at the second injection - Nerestin-1A. The specified preparations (1, 1А, and 1B) differ only by used dosage, in lobes a ml on 1 kg of weight a fish, and volumes of an introduced preparation at the first and second injections. Nerestin-1 introduce in a middle total dose of 0,5 ml/kg and it is convenient for fishes of mass 1,5-5kg, the Nerestin-1B - in a total dose of 0,33 ml/kg and it is applied to fishes of mass 5-9 kg, Nerestin-1A - in a total dose of 0,25 ml/kg - for fishes of 9-16 kg.

Technology of preparation of the sires, injection of fishes and reseiving of sexual products same, as at the standard pituitary injections (see "The collection of the normativelly-technological documentation on commodity pisciculture", v.1, Moskow, "Agropromizdat", 1986).

The competent and accurate work of fish-breeders is necessary: with a fish to work carefully, to not admit hit of water in spawn prior to the beginning a fertilization etc. - the common and simple demands should be kept. All known failures and poor results of application of Nerestin are available owing to errors and miscalculations, infringements of the common demands piscicultural technologies on places.

It is necessary attentively to read the instruction to a preparation and under the graph itself, with the count of a state a fishes and previous course of temperature, to calculate doses (total, pre-award, resolvent) for concrete temperatures in that diapason, which at you develops.

Though, in dependence on concrete requirements, other variants of an interrelation of doses, multiplicity and intervals of introduction are not excluded, the Nerestin-1 is introduced to females of plant-feeding fishes mainly twice in different doses (20 % and 80 %) with an interval from 11,5-12 till 24 hours.

Mails receive only second dose peer 1/3 - 2/3 from total doses, yielded females. A dose and time of an injection for mails select in dependence on their state and temperature of water so that they matured simultaneously with females, or a sperm collect a little preschedully from already fluid mails and store in the tube in a refrigerator. With augmentation of a degree of flowability mails it is necessary to reduce doses of Nerestin up to 1/3 from a total dose yielded females, in connection with an opportunity of an overdosage of a preparation. The preparation well stimulates spermiation at not fluid and weakly fluid mail. But the overdosage for well fluid mails (especially of plant-feeding fishes) can give to premature spermiation.

Second injections of females it is desirable to spend at early morning o'clock. The spawningeral state comes, as a rule, through 11-14 hours after the second injection, in dependens from a temperature of water and concrete aboriginal requirements. In case of poor subspawningeral of preparation of separate fishes the delays till 30 hours are possible.

The fishes before and after an injection are necessary for keeping at a sufficient duct of water and pO2>6,0 mg/l. The overcondenseral alighting of fishes can conduct to clottages of spawn, strongly unloaded - to infringement of a simultaneity and a delay of a maturing.

With augmentation of temperature of water and the degrees of readiness of the sires of a dose are reduced. At under temperature of water of a dose and the time slices between injections are enlarged. For example, at 20&degC for plant-feeding fishes it is necessary to introduce 0,15+0,65 ml/kg of Nerestin-1 with an interval 24 hours, and at 25&degC 0,06+0,24 ml /kg with an interval 12 hours. At rising temperature of water the dose of a preparation for the first and second injections pays off under the graph, radiating from a total dose for concrete temperature at the moment injection. For example, temperature of water at the first injection 21&degC, and at second - 23&degC. In this case first dose of Nerestin-1 (20 % from total) for plant-feeding fishes will be: 0,6х0,2 = 0,12 ml/kg, and second dose (80 % from total) - 0,4x 0,8 = 0,32 ml/kg, in all total dose will make 0,12+0,32 = 0,44 ml/kg. The first round injection at low temperature of water is desirable for beginning from a few hightened doses, importing corrective amendments with the count of aboriginal requirements and in accordance with appearance of skill of work with a preparation.

The total dose of Nerestin-1B, for example, for temperature 23&degC with under the graph makes 0,3 ml/kg, or for fishes of weight, for example, 8 kg is peer 8x0,3 = 2,4 ml. If an interrelation of doses 20 %+80 % (1/5+4/5), at the first injection Nerestin-1B introduce: 0,3 ml х 0,2 х 8kg = 0,5 ml on a fish, at second: 0,3 ml х 0,8 х 8kg = 1,9 ml on a fish. A dose correct necessarily with the count of change of temperature of water, i.e. calculation effect radiating from temperature preparationing each injection. Here as it is necessary, that the time slice between injections was 11,5-12,0 hours, and from the second injection up to straining of spawn transited not less than 10,5-11,0 hours (optimally - till 13,0 hours). For enriching quality of spawn and at lower temperatures, a time slice from first up to the second injection of Nerestin-1B sometimes enlarge till 24 hours. For Nerestin-1A of a dose expect under the graph similarly.

The basic causes of errors and reception of poor spawn, thrombuses, poor larvae at Nerestin same, as at a pituitary body: it is impossible more 15 mines to overcook a fish, dead-ripe after the second injection, in a pond (trays), since it worsens quality of sexual products sharply. It is necessary to learn precisely to select in a cut-in a dose of a preparation for the first and second injection in a temperature dependence of water with the count of its change and aboriginal requirements, to avoid an overdosage. If nevertheless overdosage has taken place, and females donate spawn preschedully in 7,5-10,0 hours after the second injection, by all means will calf of poor quality, low persent of a fertilization, major waste of spawn at a stage of a gastrulation and larvae.

It is impossible to take in the first round a plenty of fishes in order to prevent errors in application of a preparation because of a disadvantage of fishs-breeding experience! It is necessary to evoid losses of a preparation at injection, it is desirable to utillize the precisely graduated syringes!

The preparation Nerestin is less effective on the sick, is strong stressal or injured fishes, at a unfavorable toxicological background of water, soil and low content of oxygen. It is necessary to avoid carrying out of injections at springs atmospheric pressure, for example at thunder-storms, in view of an opportunity genereiting of spawn thrombuses, and at considerable droop of temperature of water. Especially it is necessary to take into account, that in recommended low doses the preparation works most effectively at keeping requirements of uprise of temperature of water in the subspawningeral period and between injections up to optimal spawningeral, according to the standard technology of carrying out of pituitary injections for each view of fishes.

The season of 2004 in central and western regions of Russian Federation, on Ukraine, in Moldova, Romania was the lingering cool spring, sluggish warmup of water, abundance of thunder-storms, fall temperature down to middle of July etc. Despite of these objective problems and subjective factors, is unique unfavorable for spawning of campaign feeding fishes, - of the serious claimes on Nerestins has not acted, did not enter them and earlier. Was marked, that Nerestin do not stimulate effectively, at a level of normative values, ovulation and spermiation at plant-feeding fishes in conditions of droop of temperature of water (continuous, saltatory or bound with sharp temperature variations) in the subinjectional period, between injections or after the second introduction in the subovulational period. It is connected that the preparation does not contain ready gonadotrophic hormones. It is designed for a mild physiological stimulation of the neuroendocrinal centers intimately interreacting with the centers termoadaptation of fishes. Therefore by indispensable requirement of successful application of preparations the Nerestin, reception of high reproducible results at downstroke of total doses is whenever possible rigorous keeping of physiologically optimal temperature and oxygens regimens, it is desirable with gradual rising of temperature on 1-3&degC beginning from 2 hours up to the first injection down to expected term of a capture of sexual products, at pO2 is not lower than 6,0 mg/ml. Preferably, if it's technically possible, of some increasing of water temperature in the period of the first two hours after everyone injection.

In the absence of artificial waterheating and at temperature below optimal it is recommended to follow a natural diurnal rhythmicity of temperature of water, is especial in case the facilities is in region sharply of continental climate with a major diurnal course of temperature of air, and the water delivery in incubative shop is effected from a small reservoir, promptly cooling down by night. For this purpose it is necessary to inject of fishes mainly at early morning hours by the begining of warmup and uprise of temperature of water (but not less inferior limit of an optimum), with a time slice between doses 24 hours. Unique inconvenience in this case - you receive an ovulation and spermiation in the evening and consequently rearrange the graph of work of the personnel.

The hormonal preparations (suspension and extracts of a pituitary body, chorionic gonadotropine, etc.), as against of Nerestins, allow to receive sexual products in smaller dependence on optimal physiological regimens, including temperature and oxygen. However, yielded by hard action of hormonal preparations the opportunity of deviation from optimal regimens, as a rule, conjugates to sharp deterioration of sexual products, conducts to clottages of spawn and raised mortality of the sires, decreased fertilization of spawn, yield and survival rate of larvae. It in turn conducts to the increase of expenditure and to decrease of life-time of the sires, to augmentation of volume of unprofitable work in incubative shops. By the count of aboriginal features the Consumer has an opportunity to make a choice between hormonal drugs or Nerestins, or to combine their application for reception of the best results in of dependence from concrete requirements, purposes and amounts of works.

It is necessary to note an opportunity of failure of spawuningeral campaign at apart trial of Nerestin, if apply nonlinear fishes and there is no proper level of breeding work. Such failures can descend to widely now used hybrids of silver and bighead carps . The specialists in reproduction of plant-feeding fishes with this problem are well familiar. The long-term absence of selective work on maintenance of pure lines, massed production of multiple crossed hybrids, spontaneous selection on a prompt accretion of commodity mass on accessible natural far not irreproachable forages in many facilities practically have superseded long-lived, laborious and expensive work on formation and maintenance of parent herds of the sires. In small farms untrained professionaless the personnel this work to carry out is not capable. So-called "sires" of hybrids, having sufficient mass, often have under-developed infantile gonads without attributes of IV a stage of maturity of sexual products. The cases when three-years-old a hybrids of silver and bighead carps in
mass 12-14 kg (!) are known for the author had no appreciable attributes of development of gonads. Nerestin, pituitary body here will not help.

The note without the comment. - Industrial hybrid of silver and bighead carps "ПБТ63" - completed SRW and innovation of the organization-elaborator "ВНИИПРХ", originators of elaboration - fish-breeding farm "a Hot Key" and "Specialized fish-breeding a factory of plant-feeding fishes ", Krasnodar territory, certificate N32418 from 11.06.2000. The hybrid shows a heterosis on growth and viability, that provides more high yield of production at its cultivation in ponds and in reservoirs of complex purpose in a center medium strip of Russia. On the data of originators a body of a fish is grey with shallow black maculae correct form, uniformly speckled on all body, about spins dark. A head have a true form. The abdominal keel and thoracic fins is of middle length. This design shared in an exhibition " Innovations - 2000. Technologies of a living systems ". The information is taken from the Internet site www.extech.ru/php/vistavki/proj.php...

The fishes after injections cannot be subjected restriction of freedom of floating by a premise them in undersized containers. The basic failures in work with a preparate arise at infringement of the same requirements of work with the sires, as at pituitary injections

Total doses for females:

Object A temperature schedule Nerestin-1, ml/kg Nerestin-1A, ml/kg
Plant-feeding fish 21-26 0C 0.3-0.6 0.15-0.3

The Nerestin should be stored in the blacked out place, in a refrigeration cabinet at temperature from +1 up to –50C. Rubber plugs of vials, needle and syringes before application to disinfect, selection of a preparate from a vial to effect by piercing of plugs, not dissecting vials and not importing in them any contaminations through a needle or other way. It is not recommended for the first time to test and to apply at itself in a facilities a preparation at once on major parties of fishes in order to prevent reception of negative results because of possible inexactness of keeping of the demands of fish-breeding technologies or appearance of unknowns before aboriginal limiting conditions. A period of storage of preparates - from 2 till 5 years. If the preparation was stored with deflections from the specified requirements, the appearance inside a vial before expiry of the term of the validity visually discernible on a lumen small flakes of white colour is sometimes possible. In such case a preparate be applied does not owe, he will not be effective. Such happens at an inadequate storage of a preparation in a household domestic refrigerator with products, at an often unclosing of a door of a refrigerator.

The additional consultation on trial and application of Nerestin can be received at reversion in the guest book of a site: www.nerestin.ru and on the address of an e-mail:  aqua-pushchino@yandex.ru or till phone / fax/autoanswer: 8(4967)73-15-00, (495) 505-07-60  8(962) 960-14-78.


Fig.1. The graph of dependence of Nerestin-1,1B,1А doses from temperature of water for plant-feeding fishes at twofold introduction of a preparation and interrelation of doses 20% (pre-award injection) + 80 % (resolvent injection)

Application of preparation Nerestin-1(1A, 1B) for stimulation of ovulation and spermiation at plant-feeding fishes.

The resume.

In the article the technique of application of Russian preparations Nerestin-1, Nerestin-1A and Nerestin-1B for stimulation of ovulation and spermiation is submitted at reproduction of fishes Aristichtis nobilis, Hypophtalmichtis molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idella in industrial fish culture. Examples of calculation of the general, preliminary and allowing dozes of preparations are given depending on temperature of water and weight of fishes. The schedule of dependence of a doze from temperature in a range from 200C up to 270C is submitted. Restrictions of efficiency of preparations are described under adverse conditions.

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