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Главная/Articles/Replacement of hypophisis injections at reproduction of a carp

Replacement of hypophisis injections at reproduction of a carp

Materials of this site with last changes, additions and new materials are made out in 5 articles which are published in April, 2005 in the collected articles of an anniversary international scientific-practical conference "VNIIRs". (" Aquiculture and integrated technologies: problems and opportunities", vol. 2, Moscow, 2005). Here these materials are given for express-acquaintance of the experts-fish-breeders. To reserve collections of a conference "VNIIRs" it is possible on e-mail: LfB@flexuser.ru.
Any citing or other scientific-practical use of materials of these articles permissibles only with the reference to the authors, on articles in the specified collected articles or on the given site: www.nerestin.ru

Replacement of hypophisis injections at reproduction of a carp.

Preparations Nerestin-4 and Nerestin-6 for the first time are tested by scientific-industrial cooperative “SIC” “Aquaculture” in 1989-1991 on a carp, a koi, a crucian, a bream, a tench with reception of preliminary positive results on ovulation and spermiation at physiologically prepared manufacturers of fishes in optimum ranges of temperature and hydrochemistry of water. Further these works have been suspended in connection with disintegration carp-breeding in territory of the former USSR and renewed only since 2001 in view of partial restoration of branch and an aggravation of problems of fish-breeding facilities with reception and purchase of natural hypophysises of fishes. Searches of external financing of these development in Russia, irrespective of the won competitions and tenders, have not led to result in view of distribution of means in other spheres. Works were carried out on small extra private means without budgetary financing. In 2004 new experimental preparations for replacement of hypophysis injections on a carp (Cyprinus carpio) have been transferred for wider tests in fish farms to Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Romania (I–VI zones of fish culture). It was offered to facilities to issue reports (certificates) of tests by results of work and to transfer their developer for the further perfection of structure and technology of application of preparations in view of an essential variety of local conditions of concrete facilities.

Experts of facilities have warned about necessity of cautious and exact work with new preparations on the limited parties of fishes and in comparison with the hypophysisial control. The average dosage of preparations was specified only approximately, on the settlement data: Nerestin-4 and Nerestin-6 – 0,5 ml/kg of female weight at double introduction and a parity of dozes from 10% + 90% up to 20% + 80%, Nerestin-6А – 0,25 ml/kg; for males it is recommended to give from 1/4 up to 1/2 from the total doze for females unitary during an allowing injection for females.

However in a number of facilities had reliable experience of tests and development Nerestin-1 on plant-feed–fishes earlier. To the preparations new experimental and received in gift there have considered as reliable means for a long time expected a priori. In view of absence or dearness of hypophysises after the first injections fish breeders at once have corrected dozes of new preparations a little and have started to full-scale injections available manufacturers of carps with reception and realization business larvae. Test reports of preparations these facilities to give to the developer “have forgotten”.

The priority of test Nerestins for carps with duly granting reports in 2004 belongs personally to fish breeders: in Russia – to I.V. Nikishkin (“Belovskoe a fish facilities”, the Kemerovo region), in Romania – to Miuara and Mikhai Kostake (SIFFS “Nuchet”), in Moldova – to scientific worker of Kishinev SIFFS P.D.Arikov. The test report from fish farmes “Pyshma – 96” of companies “Sibrybprom”, the Tyumen region, is received fish breeder S.V.Litvinov. In 2004 Nerestins for a carp also have been transferred on tests to the enterprises: “Bessergenevsky fish-breeding factory”, the Rostov region; AIC “Sinyukhinsky” and rybokolkhoz “Shaparievsky”, Krasnodar territory; Joint-Stock Company “Аkva-1”, the Chelyabinsk region; fish nursery “Philippovka”, Kirov region; Saratov branch FSSI “GosNIORKh; Company “Schekinsky fish farm”, the Tula region; fish-breeding complex “Balykchi” and fish farm “Bukharsky”, Uzbekistan; SI “Altyn Balyk”, Turkmenistan; associations “Ukrryba” and “Ukrplemrybcentr”, Kiev; firm “Оvcharitsa”, Radnevo, Bulgaria; to private farmers-fish breeders from some regions of Russia, Georgia, Romania.

To all fish breeders and the facilities given test reports Nerestin-4 and Nerestin-6(6А) at reproduction of a carp and koi, the author expresses profound gratitude and sincere gratitude.

In “Belovskoe a fish facilities” (II zone, the Kemerovo region, Russia) has been injected by Nerestin-6А in the first round 3 females and two males a carp (average weight 11,0 kg), 6 females and 5 males koi (average weight 3,0 kg). In the second round has been injected 6 females a carp. In the first round of fishes have delivered in shop at temperature of water 170 С, injections, ovulation and spermiation at 22,50 С; in the second round have delivered fishes in shop at 230 С, injections at 200 С, received spawn and sperm at 230 С. For females entered twice a preparation in the general doze of 0,25 ml/kg with an interval 12 h. And a parity of dozes 20% + 80%, for males gave 1/3 from a doze for females - 0,08 ml/kg. In the first round has been matured 100% manufacturers, in the second, because of over-exposition manufacturers and fluctuations of temperature – 66% have ripened. Ovulation and spermiation occurred in 12 h after an allowing injection. From a carp in the first round 0,587 kg of spawn and from koi 0,253 kg are received, in the second round from a carp have taken on 0,843 kg. Spawn is impregnated on 60-80% and after incubation at 250 С and 3-day's keeping at 270 С in the first round has survived 60%, and in the second – 80% larvae.

In Moldova in fish farms “Zguritsa” (IV zone) and “Kosteshty” (V zone) on 30 females and 16 males a carp “Kuboltskyi” in average weight of 5,6 kg in an interval of temperatures 17,20-22,30 С at pH=8,3, рО2=7,63 have applied Nerestin-4 in the general doze for females 0,5 ml/kg (0,1+0,4), Nerestin-6 in a doze of 0,5 ml/kg (0,1+0,4), Nerestin-6А in a doze of 0,25 ml/kg (0,05+0,2). A parity of dozes: 20% + 80%, an interval 12 h and 24 h. For males entered from 30% up to 50% from the general doze for females during an allowing injection for females. After the second injection for females Nerestin-4 there was a decrease in temperature of water on 2,50 С. Answered positively on Nerestin-4 75% manufacturers of a carp, on Nerestin-6 – 90% and on Nerestin-6А – 100%. Sexual products on the average received through 11,5 h, spawn is on the average taken on 0,7 kg. The percent of fertilisation of caviar has made 80%, hatched 78%. Spawn has been incubated in Veis's devices, larvae up to 3-day time business maintained in devices “IVL-2” and “Amur”. In 3 day has survived 95% larvae, anomalies of development it is not marked.

In SIFFS “Nuchet” (Romania, VI zone) on 40 females and 35 males a carp in weight from 3,0 up to 11,0 kg in a range of temperatures 150-210 С (average - 180 С, but with sharp jumps) are tested preparations Nerestin-4 (0,25 ml/kg for females), and Nerestin-6А (0,25 ml/kg). Introduction double with an interval 12 h. and a parity of dozes 20% + 80%. For males entered these preparations on 0,1 ml/kg unitary during an allowing injection for females and sexual products from manufacturers received on the average in 8 hour. Has ripened after injections of 70% manufacturers with reception on the average on 0,5 kg of spawn from female, percent of fertilisation – 75%, hatching of larvae – 80-90%, an output 3 day time larvae - 90-95% without anomalies of development.

The similar data on a carp are received in other facilities. Tests in 2004 are lead not less than on 350 piece of manufacturers. However detailed generalization of a digital material prematurely because of the limited period of work and incompleteness of the data received from facilities.

Results of reproduction of a carp with application Nerestin-6 and Nerestin-6А and in some smaller degree – Nerestin-4 are closest to normative values. At the same time the disorder of results of preliminary tests of preparations on a carp appeared essential, especially on Nerestin-4. It can be connected to absence at fish breeders of an operational experience with the given preparations, with start in tests less qualitative manufacturers of fishes for decrease in industrial risk in reception business larvae, with significant distinction of local conditions of facilities (breed and a condition of fishes, temperature and hydrochemical modes, etc.). As a whole, the received results even in these conditions are reliable enough and the aggravated problem of replacement of hormonal preparations, including a hypophysis of fishes and his derivatives allow to hope, that in facilities of Russia and near abroad, at artificial reproduction of a carp of different breeds with the help of an accessible and inexpensive synthetic preparation can be effectively solved the nearest 2-3 years.

Replacement of hypophysis injections at reproduction of a carp.

The resume.

In the article results of tests in 2004 in fish facilities of Russia, Moldova and Romania of preparations Nerestin-4 and Nerestin-6(6А) for replacement of injections of suspension of a hypophysis are resulted at artificial reproduction of a carp of different breeds (Cyprinus carpio). Preliminary results of stimulation ovulation and spermiation, fertilisations and developments of spawn, an output and survival rate larvae after injections of these preparations on the average correspond to normative values at injections of suspension of a hypophysis of fishes. It allows to hope, that the nearest years problems of deficiency of carp’s hypophysises and accompanying lack larvae of a carp and koi will not constrain carp’s breeding.

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