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.Materials of this site with last changes, additions and new materials are made out in 5 articles which are published in April, 2005 in the collected articles of an anniversary international scientific-practical conference "VNIIRs". (" Aquiculture and integrated technologies: problems and opportunities", vol. 2, Moscow, 2005). Here these materials are given for express-acquaintance of the experts-fish-breeders. To reserve collections of a conference "VNIIRs" it is possible on e-mail: LfB@flexuser.ru.

Any citing or other scientific-practical use of materials of these articles permissibles only with the reference to the authors, on articles in the specified collected articles or on the given site: www.nerestin.ru


Experimental preparations of series " Nerestin " since 1988 took root by Pushchino research-and-production complex "Aquaculture"; for replacement of hypophysis injections in fish culture at artificial reproduction of fishes. Technologies for a grass carp, silver carp, bighead carp and common carp have been developed. Preparations applied also on sturgeon fishes (a sterlet, stellate sturgeon, the sturgeon, a kaluga, a beluga) and polyodon, at reproduction a bream, a tench, a crucian, a ide and of some other fishes. Tests of "Nerestins" in aquarian fish culture and in aquariumistics were carried out.

On responses of the fish-breeding enterprises II - VI zones of fish culture for the period 1988-2004 Nerestin-1 (1A, 1B) reliably replace hypophysis injections on silver carp, grass carp and bighead carp, and Nerestin -5 (5A, 5B) - on sturgeon fishes and polyodon. Are cheap, convenient in work, are highly effective, yield reproduced results. For a common carp, including a koi, are developed and in 2003-2004 preparations Nerestin-4, Nerestin-6 (6А) are transferred on tests to 18 facilities of different regions and the states. By responses, tests as a whole have passed successfully, and in a season of 2005 introduction of these preparations is planned for buffalo, a channel catfish, a black carp.

Preparations do not contain hormones, will consist of practically harmless synthetic components. Are delivered in the sterile form ready for intramuscular or intraperitoneal of conducting. Possess standard activity. Working life - from 2 till 5 years. Application is based on stimulation own gonadotropic systems of physiologically prepared fishes by superactive releasing-factors and modifiers of receptors adenohypophysis.

The general principle of action Nerestin and similar, firm preparations already widely used in world practice (Ovaprim, Оvatid, Оvapel, LHRH and its analogs, etc.), and also his difference from action ready gonadotropic hormones of hypophysis, are resulted on the scheme 1. Structures of preparations, depending on the purposes of work, can differ essentially on presence and quantity of those or other effective components (all them it is tested in experiment and on manufacture not less than 100). The review of the scientific literature, the reference to conducting world authors with arrangement of priorities are impossible in a format and orientation of given article. Leadership on the given subjects belongs to foreign scientists, whose works are successfully and actively financed by budgetary funds of the states, interstate grants, funds, etc. In domestic works on Nerestins budgetary investments are not present, and they were carried out only by a principle of self-support only on means research-and-production complex " Aquaculture ".


The scheme 1. Nerestin action both similar preparations and his difference from action of suspension of a hypophysis of fishes and his extracts.


Delivery of experimental preparations is made under the contract about research-and-production tests. Upon termination of works of the party make out the certificate of acceptance of works and the report-questionnaire of tests. There is a technical help, consultations are given, the personnel is trained.

Nerestin-1, Nerestin –1B, Nerestin -1А represent a transparent liquid without color, taste and a smell and of 21 ml on 4060 and 80 dozes, accordingly (1 doze - counting upon 1 kg of a weight of a fish) are delivered in glass bottles in capacity.

Nerestin-1 it is convenient for fishes in weight up to 5 kg, 1 doze = 0,5 ml/kg; Nerestin-1B apply to fishes in weight of 5-9 kg,
1 doze = 0,33 ml/kgNerestin-1
А use for fishes in weight over 9 kg, 1 doze = 0,25 ml/kg. Frequently these preparations in application combine for convenience of sampling and introduction: for example, to the first injection apply Nerestin-1, for the second - Nerestin-1А. actually used exact dozes depend, first of all, from temperature of water during an injection and pay off under the schedule "doze-temperature", and also from lines of other factors (a degree of readiness of the manufacturers, a previous temperature mode in a season, etc.) . Graduation of dozes on bottles is underlined only for females and given approximately, with a stock on the average 10%. In view of that males than half of the doze given for females receive no more, actually used presence of dozes in each bottle exceeds face value for 25%. Therefore, for example, bottle Nerestin-1 with face value of 40 dozes in practice suffices for injection 50-55 kg of a fish.

Nerestin-3 represents a white powder in a bottle in capacity of 20 ml, approximately 80 dozes. It is applied is limited by separate inquiries as the additional test for an optimum prespawning physiological condition carps fishes.

Nerestin-4 (for the first time it is applied in 1989 г, it is tested on a carp in 2003-2004) - a colorless transparent liquid in a bottle of 21 ml on 40 dozes, 1 doze = 0,5 ml/kg.

Nerestin-6 and Nerestin-6А (tests and introduction with 2003) also represent a transparent liquid, but more viscous consistence, in bottles of 21 ml on 40 dozes (1 doze = 0,5 ml/kg) and 80 dozes (1 doze = 0,25 ml/kg), accordingly. It is the most perspective preparation for a common carps of different breeds, koi and of some other fishes.

Nerestin-5 (for a sterlet), Nerestin-5А (stellat sturgeon, the sturgeon, a polyodon), Nerestin-5B (beluga, kaluga) - similar bottles in capacity of 21 ml on 50 dozes (1 doze = 0,4 ml/kg), 100 dozes (1 doze = 0,2 ml/kg) and 200 dozes (1 doze = 0,1 ml/kg), accordingly.

Nerestin-2 (2А) - preparations in plastic test tubes of type “eppendorf” in capacity 1,5 - 2,0 ml for tests for aquarian fishes. In connection with the big specific variety, essential differences of biology and physiology of regulation of duplication of aquarian fishes regular work on creation of techniques of application Nerestins on aquarian fishes is not conducted yet.

All specified preparations not combustible, not explosive, do not contain toxic and narcotic substances, are suitable to transportation by any kinds of transport, to long storage in a usual refrigerator at temperature about 00C. Since 2003 preparations do increases in working life in the form admitting storage at -50C with and even (Nerestin-6, 6А) up to -250C. But more deeper of a frost leads to crashing by ice of a glass of bottles.

Basic advantages of Nerestins before dried up and acetonized a hypophysis of fishes are specified in the table № 1.

The table № 1

Nerestin hypophysis
1 Is completely sterile, does not demand application of antibiotics Absolute unsterile, demands application of antibiotics
2 Has reference activity and is convenient for application by a dosage - in ml / kg of weight a fish Has no reference activity. Last depends on individual differences of fishes: a sex, age, dimension, quality requirements and many other factors. The dosage demands padding recalculation: mg of a pituitary body on a ml of a suspension in dependence on weights a fish
3 Long-lived period of validity - not less than two years. The losses of activity at a storage - no more than 5 % per one year A suspension of a hypophysis are nonstorable even in a refrigerated view. The dried up hypophysis is undesirable to store more than one year - turns yellow, strongly loses activity
4 Does not contain outside substances and does not yield accessory responses Contains a complex of outside substances and hormones, besides necessary, yields accessory responses
5 The deficit of a preparation no. Probably prompt satisfaction of any requirements at any time Hypophysis get only in particular time after catching a fish. But if are there no necessary fishes or is impossible catching?
6 More cheaply than hypophisis on the average on 20 - 30 % Accordingly, are more expensive
7 Nerestin is always ready to work, if you have it A suspension of a hypophysis have to plot by persons itself which engaged in cultivation of a fish before everyone injection
8 It is not hormonal preparations It is a hormonal preparation

The following concern to other advantages Nerestin:

- Does not demand essential change of technology and conversion training of the personnel.

- At observance of fish-breeding technologies and instructions does not cause traffic jam of spawn, increases service life of manufacturers, raises quality of sexual products, larvae and young fishes.

- If ovulation is late because of adverse external conditions, Nerestin injection can be repeated in some days, because at a delay oocytes are not damaged, final polarization of a nucleus mature oocytes does not occur, simultaneous mass destruction of oocytes as at a hypophysis, no, and female remains alive.

- Does not cause ovulation and spermiation in adverse conditions (a high toxic background of water, a ground, forages, bad prespawning preparation of manufacturers, sharp gallop of temperature of water and atmospheric pressure, etc.). It reduces volume of unproductive and unprofitable work in fish farmes. Given by other hormonal preparations, including a hypophysis, the opportunity of deviation from optimum modes, as a rule, is connected to sharp deterioration of sexual products, conducts to thromboses of spawn and the raised withdrawal of manufacturers, decrease fertilization of spawn, an output and survival rate of larvae and viability of young fishes.

- The preparation is harmless to fishes and ecology, breaks up in a body of fishes during 20 - 30 minutes.

The average data for the period 1988 - 2004 on application of Nerestin-1 (with analogues) on plant-feeding fishes Hypophtalmichtys molitrix, Aristichtrys nobilis, Ctenopharyngodon idella in facilities of Russia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan, Moldova, Romania are submitted in the table № 2.

1 Zones of fish culture II-VI
2 Kind of injectionized fishes, breed, quantity females and males Silver and bighead carps, grass carp, females - 5930, males - 4720 copies.
3 Average weight of fishes, range of weights 4,5-16 kg
4 The general condition of manufacturers Healthy, without traumas
5 Temperature of water and its change Average t = +23,5 0C
6 Hydrochemistry pH = 7,3, рO2= 10,5 mg/l
7 Applied general doze of Nerestin-1 0.35 ml / kg for females
8 Frequency rate of introduction 2 dozes, from 0,07+0,28 ml/kg for females (on the average 20+80%)
9 Interval of time between introductions From 11,5-12 till 24 o'clock
10 Parity of dozes at the first and second introduction For females from 30%+70% up to 10%+90% 1
11 For males enter from 1/3 up to 2/3 from the general doze given for females. Depending on temperature and fluidity enter or during a preliminary injection for females, or during an allowing injection. Sometimes divide males into 2 parties on time of introduction
12 Quantity of the ripened manufacturers in % from injectionized females - 94% males - 89%
13 Average interval of time from last injection before reception of caviar 11,5 hours
14 Average quantity of sexual products spawn 685 g for females of weight 6,0 kg
15 Visual quality of sexual products In norm
16 Way of fertilisation Dry
17 Percent of fertilisation of spawn 85 %
18 Percent hatching of larvae under the attitude to all spawn 67 %
19 Percent survived of larvae in three day 74 %
20 Anomaly of development of caviar, larvae and young fishes (if they are marked) Development of spawn, embryos, larvae - in norm
21 Other supervision essential in your opinion, differences from the hypophysis-control. To pay attention: after injection of Nerestin behaviour of fishes quieter, than after introduction of a hypophysis Nerestin-1 is convenient in work, the output of larvae from spawn is raised; females ripen simaltaneouslly, give spawn more full
22 The basic difficulties which have arisen at you and questions Difficulties at sharp jumps of temperature and overdoses for males.
23 Your wishes and offers on questions of application Nerestin As a whole cheapness, profitability, efficiency, stable results on plant-feeding fishes are marked

The note: till 2005 without recording the data in different regions was injectionized by Nerestin-1(1A,1B) not less than 65000 manufacturers of plant-feeding fishes with results not below normative values.

The detailed instruction on application of preparation Nerestin-1 (1А, 1B) can be received in each fish-breeding facilities. She is published on an Internet-site: http://www.nerestin.ru, also can be sent at the reference on an e-mail address:  romzes1p@yandex.ru, on an answering machine a fax: 8(4967)73-15-00, (495) 505-07-60.

While, unfortunately, not on each pond there is a computer with the Internet. To dear fish breeders the request: behind the information and a preparation to leave through more "advanced" city familiar, using cheap, high-speed and it is information capacious electronic communication.

Detailed instructions to preparations Nerestin-4Nerestin-6 for a carp will be developed by 2006. In 2005 of test it is scaled with delivery of preliminary recommendations.

We invite to co-operation.


The resume.

The data on the new Russian preparations of series NERESTIN intended for replacement of injections of a hypophysis at artificial reproduction of fishes are submitted. The basic advantage of these preparations before the dried up hypophysis are described, on fishes Hypophtalmichtys molitrix, Aristichtrys nobilis, Ctenopharyngodon idella results of test Nerestin-1 are specified in facilities of Russia and abroad the period with 1988 for 2004.

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